Spring Athletics Update

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

MCCCD athletic teams to hold practices and NJCAA competitions beginning January 4, 2021.

As we move forward with our athletic programs, a Return to Play (RTP) document has been created by the ad hoc committee in consultation with MCCCD Athletics Trainers, Athletic Directors, Risk Management, Maricopa County Public Health Officials, District Legal. This document will guide our actions and contains strategies for prevention, education, symptom screening, risk mitigation, travel, practice/competition guidelines, and other resources and tools available to all athletic employees and students. The RTP is not all-encompassing and will be fluid as we move through any new developments and findings with the pandemic. The RTP is not optional. All faculty, staff, and students involved with our athletic programs must adhere to the protocols and strictly follow the RTP.

This decision may be overturned or adjusted at any time based on guidance and directives from the city, county, state agencies, or the NJCAA.

Our students, faculty, staff, and community's well-being and health remain our highest priority. We take every concern very seriously and we will continue to adjust our decisions to maintain our community’s safety during this time. As we monitor the fluidity of COVID-19, we will continue to communicate should further modifications be necessary.